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Insulin Resistance and Fat Loss

The topic of insulin resistance/insulin sensitivity  and body fat is one that is still rife with confusion and misinformation.  Specifically, it’s usually stated that insulin resistance causes fat gain or that insulin sensitivity improves fat loss.  However, in at least one of my books (The Ultimate Diet 2.0) I stated that insulin resistance is superior for fat loss, which seems to run against both common thought and common sense.  So let me address the topic again.

How Hormones Work

A hormone is any substance in the body that causes something to happen elsewhere. Technically you can divide up neurotransmitters (which work locally) and hormones (which work elsewhere/all over the body) but this is unnecessary detail.  So a hormone is released from some gland or another (i.e. thyroid from the thyroid gland, insulin from the pancreas), binds to a receptor somewhere and makes stuff happen (a technical term).

The almost universal analogy for how hormones work is the lock and key analogy. … Keep Reading