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Body Composition – Measurement Methods

In previous parts of this guide I’ve looked at what body composition is, showed you how to do various body composition calculations and looked at various body composition numbers.  Consistently in the comments section of each article there has been at least one question asking how I suggest people measure body composition; as promised I’m finally going to answer them.

Measuring Body Composition

There are a number of reasons to measure body composition.   Arguably the primary one is to track the results from any diet or exercise training program.  As a trainee seeking body recomposition, the goal is to lose fat, gain muscle or both.

Only by tracking body composition can you know if what you’re doing is working.  There are other reasons such as health or simply vanity as well.  None is more valid than any other and I want to look at methods to track each.

So today I want to look at various methods of measuring and tracking body composition (or changes in body composition). … Keep Reading