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The Importance of Context

In the fitness industry, it’s common for people to speak in absolutes.  It can be about training, where people invariably think there is one style of training for everyone.  The same holds for exercise selection where you still see people saying that one exercise is BEST for a certain goal.   It absolutely (ha ha) applies to dieting where whatever diet someone happens to like is therefore the right diet for everyone.  And, frankly, this is nonsensical.  Because the best anything can only be considered within a specific context.  Let me start with a hypothetical question.

What’s the Best Car to Buy?

I’m going to start out today’s article by asking a seemingly irrelevant question but, trust me, I’m merely using it to make a point.  Hopefully, by making it something sort of unrelated to the major topic of this site, people will be able to look at it with a bit less emotional investment. … Keep Reading