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Controversies Over Carbohydrate and Fats

In nutrition, it’s rare to find a complete consensus on anything.   Even with decades of data there continue to be controversies surrounding dietary protein intakes, generally revolving around kidney or bone health, among others.  But even those pale in comparison to some of the current arguments or controversies over carbohydrates and fat.   While there are many, the main ones I will examine here will have to do with the health related controversies.  Body composition issues will have to wait for a separate article.

Two (or Three) Dietary Camps

Generally, folks fall into one of two camps regarding whether they think carbohydrates or fats are good or bad. For a couple of decades now, the mainstream of dietary advice has been more or less stuck in the mindset of “fat is evil” and “carbohydrate is good”  This trend started with the early work of Ancel Keys on dietary fat and heart disease .Keep Reading